Fresh garlic scapes taste delicious and you don't need a lot of other ingredients. Combined with gnocchi, walnuts, and Parmesan cheese they make a great...
This creamy mushroom and pesto sauce is an easy dish to prepare, inspired from Seattle's Poor Italian restaurant. It is excellent for entertaining. It...
I am always looking for new ways to use Brussels sprouts. People always claim they had Brussels sprouts once and hated them, but I have converted several...
Penne with a rich, spicy pink sauce. Save it for special occasions. Your family or friends will think you slaved for hours to create it. Increase or decrease...
I made this up myself because I needed something that I could cook quickly, that was delicious, and doesn't break the bank. Everyone I know who I cook...
One of my favorite midweek pasta bakes - my whole family loves it and there is not much prep. Once the pasta bake is in the oven, you can make a salad...
I made this up myself because I needed something that I could cook quickly, that was delicious, and doesn't break the bank. Everyone I know who I cook...
So many things are touted as 'miracle foods' these days, but invariably you find out the claims were false and the benefits exaggerated. I sure hope that...
Tony is my husband. He brought home a recipe he had gotten from someone at work, and it was adapted over time to this recipe--so I named it Tony's Summer...
Chicken Alfredo 'dirtied up' a bit. Delicious, and anyone can make it. Kids love it, and it is a real treat. Serve with mozzarella garlic bread for an...
Chicken Alfredo 'dirtied up' a bit. Delicious, and anyone can make it. Kids love it, and it is a real treat. Serve with mozzarella garlic bread for an...
Our family has been cooking this rigatoni for 40 years. It is a great change from the Friday night pizza, as it contains all of your favorite pizza toppings....
Our family has been cooking this rigatoni for 40 years. It is a great change from the Friday night pizza, as it contains all of your favorite pizza toppings....
I made this up myself because I needed something that I could cook quickly, that was delicious, and doesn't break the bank. Everyone I know who I cook...
I made this up myself because I needed something that I could cook quickly, that was delicious, and doesn't break the bank. Everyone I know who I cook...
Tony is my husband. He brought home a recipe he had gotten from someone at work, and it was adapted over time to this recipe--so I named it Tony's Summer...
Tony is my husband. He brought home a recipe he had gotten from someone at work, and it was adapted over time to this recipe--so I named it Tony's Summer...
This is a great recipe for people on a budget or for picky eaters. It is also very easy to make. This recipe lists the basic ingredients, but you should...
The quick, high-temperature cooking method for the broccoli gives it a deep, earthy flavor. The broccoli combines with onions, garlic, feta cheese, white...
The quick, high-temperature cooking method for the broccoli gives it a deep, earthy flavor. The broccoli combines with onions, garlic, feta cheese, white...
This is a very quick and simple recipe with peas and a cheesy tomato sauce. My mom and grandmother used to make this for us when I was small. Serve with...
This is an easy, nutritious, warm, and slightly nutty pasta dish that pairs well with just about any meat. This recipe is very adaptable. Want garlic or...
I whipped this up one evening for dinner and was amazed how delicious it turned out! Somewhat unusual combination, but you will LOVE it...I know my kids...
This is a great, fast dinner that's perfect for a potluck or weeknight meal. You can substitute chicken for the sausage, or delete the sausage to make...
This is a quick recipe using 'canned' spaghetti. We always ate in on Friday nights before we would go to the football games. It is also excellent when...